Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thankful on Thanksgiving

You didn't ask me, but I am thankful for many things this Thanksgiving.

I'm thankful that my wife is in my life.

I'm thankful for my family and friends.

I'm thankful for my son & daughter and my 2 granddaughters.

I'm thankful to be working at a job I love and with people whom I like & respect.

I'm thankful for my 2 Pekingese dogs, Che & Casper.

I'm thankful for both Tina Fey & Sarah Palin.

I'm thankful that there are only 54 days left until the end of the George W. Bush presidency.

I'm thankful that Morris Dees and others like him are monitoring the KKK and other hate groups.

I'm thankful that the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), the Asian American Justice Center (AAJC), the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR), the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the National Urban League, the NAACP and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) have decried the recent spike in hate crimes both during and after the election.

I'm thankful for having discovered how to send hate-filled, racist e-mails from small-minded, bigoted people straight to "trash."

I'm thankful that the best and the brightest will be going to work to solve very big problems.

I'm thankful for being able to witness the inauguration of President Barack Hussein Obama.